The Okanagan Mission Hall91Ƶs 91ƵRaise the Roof91Ƶ Spring Barn Dance on May 14 raised $3,150 in donations to the Canadian Red Cross. The sold out crowd made it a rousing success.
91ƵIt makes one feel quite proud to be able to live in such a great city that has such a great sense of community and willingness to help not only residents of our community but also others in need at this time,91Ƶ said hall manager Beverly Dawe. 91ƵEvents like this are easy to organize with so much support and enthusiasm from volunteers, sponsors and guest in attendance.91Ƶ
Special thanks goes out to Marilynne Fine and the members of the Okanagan Mission Tennis Club for providing the volunteers for the evening, and to all the sponsors that gave so freely of their donations to contribute towards a successful event.
The Okanagan Mission Community Hall Association began in 1907 with W.D. Hobson elected its first president. An acre of land was then obtained and in 1938 a Community Hall was constructed in its place and a dance was held. With nearly 300 people danced to the orchestra of Charles Penman. Tennis has been played at Mission Tennis courts for more than 100 years.
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