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Grieving mom says son who died in B.C. recovery house 91Ƶwould91Ƶve been better off homeless91Ƶ

Zach Plett, 21, was found dead in a recovery-house bed on Dec. 15, 2018
Zach Plett with his (from left) older sister Callie, mom Maggie and younger sister Cassie, taken at his grandfather91Ƶs 95th birthday party, just over a year before Zach died. (Contributed photo)

A grieving Surrey mom is demanding answers about regulation and oversight of recovery houses, following the overdose death of her son at a Lower Mainland facility.

Maggie Plett said she couldn91Ƶt believe the conditions she witnessed when she went to pick up her son Zach91Ƶs belongings hours after learning he91Ƶd died last December.

91ƵI went over to the house to collect his things. I91Ƶm glad I did, but it was brutal,91Ƶ Plett told Peace Arch News.

91ƵI wouldn91Ƶt let a dead animal rot in that place. There was mould on his bed sheets. I91Ƶve never seen anything like this. The roommate was already wearing a pair of his shoes.91Ƶ



Plett said 21-year-old Zach was found face-down on his bed at around 4 p.m. on Dec. 15, and, judging by the time of death pinpointed by the coroner 91Ƶ between 9 a.m. and noon 91Ƶ had been dead for hours before anyone noticed.

She wants to know why, in a facility that91Ƶs purporting to be helping people recover from addiction, no one thought to check on Zach; where he was, or if he was OK. And if they did, why no one recognized that he needed help.

91ƵMy son would91Ƶve been better off homeless,91Ƶ Plett said. 91ƵAt least he would91Ƶve been on the street, somebody would91Ƶve found him.91Ƶ

Troubled recovery homes 91Ƶ both regulated and unregulated 91Ƶ are not a new issue in Surrey. Five years ago, city officials shut down more than 100 unregulated operations in a seven-month period, and continued to investigate dozens more.

While the overall situation has reportedly 91Ƶsignificantly91Ƶ improved, and efforts of a committee formed two years ago to tackle problem properties continue, staying on top of it remains an ongoing challenge.

91ƵIn about the past year 91Ƶ a little over a year 91Ƶ we91Ƶve had 87 investigations that were initiated against alleged unregistered recovery or rooming houses,91Ƶ City of Surrey bylaw services manager Kim Marosevich said last week.

Of those, 26 were not deemed to be operating as a recovery or rooming house; and 28 that were found to be violating city rules voluntarily ceased operating at the direction of bylaw officers, Marosevich said.

91ƵThat leaves us with 33 open files, where we are continuing to work with the property owner or agent to figure out how to bring the property into compliance.91Ƶ

The city currently has five open investigations involving licensed recovery homes.

Surrey RCMP Cpl. Bob Keay, a member of the aforementioned committee, also acknowledged that problems continue.

91ƵI understand that there are some families that have had some tragedy because of these rooming houses,91Ƶ Keay said.

91ƵObviously, we91Ƶre always looking to try to find ways to rectify this concern.91Ƶ

Marosevich said the city has 91Ƶa fairly well-established relationship91Ƶ with its 55 regulated operators. She acknowledged that conditions described by Plett have been noted by bylaw officers 91Ƶboth in places that are operating as alleged recovery homes and places that are simply operating as rooming houses.91Ƶ

Gifted student with a contagious laugh

Zach Plett grew up in Ladner with his two sisters, Callie and Cassie. Callie was two years older; Cassie, two years younger. As a kid, Zach was smart, kind, athletic and popular. He played rep hockey and high-level baseball, and did well in school.

For reasons his mom still doesn91Ƶt understand 91Ƶ but said may have been related to mental-health struggles (yet another aspect of Zach91Ƶs life where his family feels existing resources failed him) 91Ƶ Zach started getting into drugs at age 15.

91ƵHe was really smart, straight-A student, gifted 91Ƶ especially in mathematics,91Ƶ she said.

91ƵI don91Ƶt know what happened.91Ƶ

Tributes in the months after Zach died describe his kindness and patience, his contagious laughter and the closeness he had with his mother.

Callie gave PAN a copy of what she shared with friends and family who attended a service held last January in Zach91Ƶs honour. It opens with the attribute she loved most about her brother: his laugh.

It 91Ƶnever faltered,91Ƶ no matter how dark things got for him, she wrote.

91ƵIt was always a glimpse into who Zach really was.91Ƶ

Callie described Zach as loyal and protective of those he cared about; someone who valued family above all else.

91ƵBut, I91Ƶm not going to sugar coat things,91Ƶ she continued.

91ƵFor the past seven years or so, Zach struggled every single day. He constantly battled a darkness that many of us couldn91Ƶt even imagine, and I think the fact that he survived and accomplished so much in his twenty-one years is an incredible feat.91Ƶ

She described the overdose crisis 91Ƶ which last year killed 1,514 people in B.C., 212 of those in Surrey (including Zach and at least three of his friends) 91Ƶ as 91Ƶan epidemic.91Ƶ

BC Coroners91Ƶ Service officials estimate eight deaths have occurred in registered private treatment or unregistered facilities since 2015.

In the first three months of this year, Surrey logged 33 illicit-drug overdose deaths.

According to data compiled through toxicology reports, fentanyl was detected in 85 per cent of the 2018 deaths, up from 82 per cent in 2017.

Zach, too, died from a fentanyl overdose, and it was learning that detail last month that prompted his mom to go public with his story. The coroner told Plett that the amount of the opioid in Zach91Ƶs system wouldn91Ƶt have killed someone who was using it on a regular basis, as Zach once did.

91ƵMy son hadn91Ƶt used fentanyl in six months,91Ƶ Plett said.

91ƵDon91Ƶt worry about it, mom91Ƶ

Zach had only been back in Surrey 91Ƶ a decision Plett said she had not supported due to the prevalence of fentanyl and other opioids in the city 91Ƶ for about a week when he died. Prior to his return, he91Ƶd been in Gimli, Man., where he attended what his mom describes as an 91Ƶawesome91Ƶ rehabilitation centre, making gains in his battle to get a handle on his addiction.

But after that program 91Ƶ and a brief relapse, followed by another month in the treatment centre 91Ƶ 91Ƶhe missed home, he wanted to come home,91Ƶ she said.

Due to his addiction and the 91Ƶreally rocky road91Ƶ it had put the family on for so many years, Zach knew he couldn91Ƶt stay with his mom at her townhome, and the two agreed he would go to a recovery house.

Candles, feathers, a photo and an urn pay tribute to Zach Plett at his mom's home in South Surrey. (Tracy Holmes photo)

Plett said she got the name and phone number for a facility in Surrey from someone she thought she could trust. He told her to e-transfer $950 to the society, and that Zach would be helped to get on social assistance, which would cover fees for his stay going forward.

Later that evening, Plett said Zach called her to say he91Ƶd been taken to a different home 91Ƶ a six-bedroom house in North Surrey, packed with 18 men who shared two bathrooms, only one of which was functioning properly. He also described black mould, Plett said.

There was some structure, at least 91Ƶ residents had a schedule to follow, around chores, breakfast, when to wake up.

Zach asked his mom to bring him a clean blanket and pillow, which she did. That brief visit was the last time Plett saw her son.

The next day, he called to tell her he was being kicked out for 91Ƶcausing problems,91Ƶ which Plett learned was due to Zach91Ƶs disclosures to her regarding conditions at the house.

91ƵThey told Zach you91Ƶre not to talk about this house outside these walls,91Ƶ she said.

Dropped off at another facility, a few blocks west of Queen Elizabeth Secondary, Zach told his mom the conditions were no better, save for the fact he was allowed to keep his phone.

91ƵI said, 91ƵWhat91Ƶs it like? Any better?91Ƶ He said, 91ƵIt91Ƶs the same. Don91Ƶt worry about it, mom.91Ƶ

91ƵHe was dead two days later.91Ƶ

The evening before he died, a Friday, Zach called to tell his mom that he and his roommate were going to a recovery meeting. Plett91Ƶs confident he went, as she found signed paperwork amongst his belongings that confirmed his attendance. How long he and the roommate were there, if they went anywhere before returning to the recovery home and exactly what they did before Zach crawled into bed 91Ƶ one woman at the house reported the pair were using until around 5 a.m. Dec. 15 91Ƶ remain among Plett91Ƶs unanswered questions.

The dinnertime call was the last time Plett spoke to her son. Around the same time the following day, her phone rang again, only this time, it was a police officer on the other end of the line.

91ƵThey told me they needed to speak to me, so I knew,91Ƶ Plett said, holding Zach91Ƶs pillow in her lap.

91ƵMy son should never have died there91Ƶ

To this day, Plett doesn91Ƶt know who received the $950 she transferred, or what it paid for.

Why no one had checked on Zach and how it is that the recovery house where he died could be operating with the conditions she witnessed and no apparent enforcement, for Plett, is beyond comprehension.

91ƵI want to know why those places are funded by government,91Ƶ she said.

The home where Zach died is on the province91Ƶs Assisted Living Registry, which is required of publicly subsidized and private-pay residences that meet the definition of such residences under the Community Care and Assisted Living Act. According to the province91Ƶs website, the mandate of the registrar is 91Ƶto protect the health and safety of assisted living residents.91Ƶ

According to the ALR, there are currently three 91Ƶsubstantiated complaints91Ƶ against the site where Zach died.

The two most recent files, updated May 8, cite non-compliance with regard to staff skills and safe site management; residents91Ƶ access to information about the residence, supports and services prior to entering; and psychosocial supports that assist in long-term recovery.

The third file, dating back to November, cites non-compliance in providing a 91Ƶsafe, secure and sanitary environment91Ƶ for residents; safely prepared and nutritious meals; and more.

Marosevich confirmed the City of Surrey has seven investigations on file against the same house. The last active file was in October of last year, and there are no open investigations at this time, she said.

Marosevich said she couldn91Ƶt elaborate on details of the complaints, but emphasized that the city primarily deals with issues surrounding external concerns, such as unsightly property and noise.

91ƵHaving a complaint isn91Ƶt necessarily validation of an issue, or that there91Ƶs been enforcement action taken,91Ƶ she added.

Complaints regarding operations or programming should be directed to the province, she said, however, any made to the city would 91Ƶcertainly generate a file91Ƶ that could result in a parallel investigation.

Marosevich said it surprised her to learn of the circumstances surrounding Zach91Ƶs death occurring in a recovery home that is both ALR-registered and licensed by the city.

91ƵIt does. I91Ƶm terribly sorry for him and his family,91Ƶ she said.

As of May 27, the site remained one of the city91Ƶs licensed operators, although Marosevich said the list is 91Ƶdefinitely in flux right now.91Ƶ

91ƵThere are several that have licences that the province has currently removed the registration,91Ƶ she said. 91ƵWe are in the process of open investigations for those.91Ƶ

One challenge in cancelling any such licence, she noted, is the people who are using the facility. A transition plan is needed 91Ƶso they don91Ƶt end up in a worse situation,91Ƶ she said.

91ƵThere91Ƶs still people who need to find places to live,91Ƶ she said.

Plett91Ƶs boyfriend 91Ƶ who asked to not be identified 91Ƶ said it91Ƶs unconscionable what Zach and others like him are subjected to, simply for profit.

91ƵThese places that are out there, they91Ƶre saying they91Ƶre there to help. And they91Ƶre not,91Ƶ he said, describing the house where Zach died as 91Ƶan unbelievable dump,91Ƶ and the fact that no one had checked on him as 91Ƶridiculous.91Ƶ

91ƵWhere91Ƶs the check and balance? There seems to be nothing,91Ƶ he said.

91ƵIt91Ƶs a great money-making thing,91Ƶ he added. 91ƵThere91Ƶs always another addict.91Ƶ

Plett said she plans to take her concerns to her MP, 91Ƶsooner than later.91Ƶ

She also continues to wrestle with guilt around her son91Ƶs death. May 15 marked the five-month anniversary and 91Ƶit feels like yesterday,91Ƶ she said.

91ƵI91Ƶm sorry that I made my son go to a place like that. I thought he was exaggerating.

91ƵMy son should never have died there.91Ƶ

Clear guidelines exist

In B.C., recovery houses must be registered with the province through the Assisted Living Registry 91Ƶ which has 91Ƶvery clear guidelines91Ƶ around health and safety, services to residents and staff conduct 91Ƶ and licensed through their respective municipalities, where jurisdiction revolves around property use.


The Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction provides registered homes with per diem funding of $30.90 per resident.

In 2016, the City of Surrey capped its allowed number of such facilities at 55. The ALR currently shows 50 registered sites in Surrey, a discrepancy Surrey bylaw services manager Kim Marosevich said is explained by the fact the city would require two operations in a duplex, for example, to have separate licences, even if the same operator was running them, while the province would consider the duplex as one operation.

Marosevich described the current incidence of encountering operations that are neither registered nor licensed as 91Ƶfairly rare.91Ƶ

At the same time, bylaw officers have 91Ƶabsolutely91Ƶ seen conditions like those described by Plett.

91ƵNot that long ago, maybe two months ago, we had eight properties in total where, essentially, the property owners had an agent managing the property on their behalf, and the agent put a bunch of people in properties that are slated for demolition,91Ƶ Marosevich said.

91ƵWe had91Ƶ situations where the hydro was turned off and people were living in these properties, and the property owners were unaware of what was happening because they had hired an agent.

91ƵSo, the agent was taking money from these tenants, essentially, and not paying the bills91Ƶ just collecting the revenues. It ended up taking almost a month to find appropriate housing through social-service connections for 33 people, that were living in squalor.91Ƶ

Marosevich noted that in the described circumstance, seniors comprised the majority of the affected residents.

91ƵPeople who are often the most vulnerable people in our communities are the ones that are subject to this victimization.91Ƶ

Ensuring such residents have a safe place to go is a factor in dealing with problem operations, she said.

South Surrey-White Rock MP Gordie Hogg said recovery houses that exist to simply prey on addicts 91Ƶneed to be exposed.91Ƶ

Marosevich said it91Ƶs challenging to find appropriate housing for people in need of recovery and 91Ƶshocking91Ƶ that operators who don91Ƶt have their clients91Ƶ best interests at heart are receiving funding that could potentially benefit those providing high-level programming and services.

Hogg and Marosevich both emphasized the importance of reporting sketchy operations.

91ƵBusiness inspectors have to be aware, neighbours have to report,91Ƶ Hogg said.

Marosevich also cautioned property owners who enlist agents to manage their properties.

91ƵBe aware, be clear, know what is happening on your property,91Ƶ she said. 91ƵBecause at the end of the day, you are responsible for it, and we will find you.91Ƶ


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Tracy Holmes

About the Author: Tracy Holmes

Tracy Holmes has been a reporter with Peace Arch News since 1997.
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