Despite a cold snap forecasted for Feb. 3, BC Hydro said it will still proceed with a planned power outage in Sicamous.
BC Hydro community relations representative Susan Edgell confirmed the outage will go ahead from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. despite temperatures dropping to a high of -6 degrees and a low of -11 according to Environment Canada.
"We 'do' still plan to proceed with this five hour outage," she said in an email to the Observer. "It is important to note we do have extreme temperature guidelines for the Southern Interior that we adhere to and monitor carefully, and temperatures on this day in Sicamous... do not come overly close to the parameters we are allowed to do this type of work within."
Edgell added that BC Hydro does "hundreds" of planned outages in the winter, and only cancels them when temperatures meet or exceed the guidelines.
"While I cannot share the exact guidelines... I can assure you we will be monitoring temperatures closely during this cold snap," she said. "And will cancel any work as necessary."
The outage for a pole replacement, rescheduled from Dec. 18, will affect 144 users on the south end of town, including Alder, Birch, Cherry, Cottonwood, Dogwood, Gillis, Holly, Madiuk and Yew avenues as well as part of Kappel Street.
Full outage information can be found at .