Beloved wife of Steve, mother of Stephen (Lisa), and grandmother of Joshua and Michael. Born in Regina, Hilda grew up on the farm in Pangman, Sask. Trained as a Practical Nurse, she worked at St. Mary's Hospital, New Westminster and the Burnaby General.
Hilda met Steve in 1964 and they married a year later. After relocating to Kelowna in 1974, Steve and Hilda built their home in Rutland. An active member of St. Theresa's and Holy Spirit parishes, Hilda was known and loved by a wide community of friends for her work helping on behalf of others, and in her retirement for teaching catechism to children.
Survived by her brother Wilfred, husband Steve, Stephen (Lisa), two grandchildren and many nieces and nephews, Hilda will be missed by all who knew her.
Funeral Mass will be held at Holy Spirit Church, 1260 Neptune Road on Saturday, June 23, 2018 at 11:00 am.
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