To the editor:
Once again we91Ƶve reached that point in the year when we are reminded by that offensive, patronizing television ad from dog control, that dog licences are due, that there are no excuses allowed, and with that smarmy voice 91Ƶmy dog is a good dog91Ƶ and although the ad is emphasized with pictures of German Shepherds, probably most Okanagan dogs are small dogs.
What a wonderful organization dog control has, just raise the licence fees to provide funds for salaries, increases and associated perks.
Quite possibly, the bylaws set up by dog control, and approved by the regional district board would not stand up to a legal challenge.
After all, they have abrogated to themselves powers not even possessed by the RCMP.
RELATED: Dog licence renewal time in Central Okanagan
So, in my mind the legitimacy of both of the above organizations is questionable.
My own experience suggests that in Canada, we are far too restrictive and arbitrary when it comes to dogs.
When we were in Germany a few years ago, people and their dogs with them in restaurants and bars. And when I was in London, I rode the underground with dog owners and their pets, and have travelled with our dog on British trains and buses.
I heard today from relatives in Bournemouth (England) and Aberdeen (Scotland )that they have no dog license fees.
And during the 10 years that we spent in South Africa, there was no dog license required and no restriction on the number of dogs that anyone could have
Our dog licensing certainly has no value except to those whose salaries it pays.
Alan Cobden